Did you ever?
- Scribble random notes on paper and forgot where you left them?
- Have notepads and paper scattered all over your desk and wish there was a better way to organise?
- Write down a lot to “TO DO’s” but know that they are not linked to a vision or a plan of any sort.
- Complete lots of daily tasks but sometimes think, maybe I should be prioritising to get better results?
- Have big goals starting out in January for the year but struggle to make the plan and stick to it as it becomes overwhelming very fast.
If you have answered yes to any of those questions – the Game Planner is designed just for you!
This system will help you to eliminate procrastination and avoid overwhelm by removing the complexity from your goal setting process, aiding you to map them and break them down into more manageable tasks so you can focus on them one day at a time.
100% of the proceeds goes to Cliona’s Foundation
As Tony Robbins said “Goals are like magnets. They will attract the things that make them come true”.
There is a lot of science behind achieving goals and the way that our brains take on the challenge. So, get ready. Your brain will first look at the goals emotional significance to you and then it will look at the level of effort it will take to get you there.
Believe it or not, the tougher the goal but the more specific it is, the better performance of that goal.
By linking the goal to WHY you really want the goal, the better success you will have with achieving the goal. When we align our “WHY” with achieving our goals, it will activate your brain’s ability to focus on it.
By having a plan in the first place, will get you to your goal quicker than wondering aimlessly about what steps you need to take.
By breaking down your goals into manageable tasks throughout the year will help you avoid overwhelm as you can focus on the tasks for the day, week, month, quarter, rather than the whole year at one time.