Cliona’s Foundation been awarded ‘Triple Lock’ status by the Charities Institute Ireland (CII).

Triple Lock status is awarded to charities that uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures. This recognition is the gold standard for Irish charities to offer assurances to donors, members and the general public.

As a triple locked member Cliona’s Foundation is compliant with:

  • The Governance Code

  • The Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising

  • And its annual financial accounts are prepared to the FRS102 (SORP) standards and are published online.

Further Information:

  • Cliona’s Foundation has been compliant with The  Volontary Governance Code – a Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland since 2017. In 2018, the Charities Regulatory Authority took on responsibility for establishing the standards for good corporate governance for charities and in November 2018, it published a new Charities Governance Code with which all charities will be expected to start reporting their compliance by 2021.

    2020 is the first year that registered charities are expected to comply with the Code and Cliona’s are undertaking the minor revisions to ensure compliance this year. More information on the code can be found here

  • Cliona’s Foundation is compliant with The Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public. More information at 

  • Cliona’s Foundation’s Annual Accounts are published online here

It was very hard to hear about our child’s incurable disease. But Cliona’s gave us faith & hope

This is a huge & valuable support for our family

We can now spend more time taking care of our baby instead of worrying about money

We will always be grateful to you
