Patrons & Ambassadors

Cliona’s Foundation Patron

“I am genuinely touched by the work that Cliona’s Foundation undertakes and very pleased to be the charity’s first Patron. Brendan and Terry are a genuinely inspiring couple who have turned their personal tragedy into making a difference to families who have a sick child by helping to ease the financial burden, during what must be an enormously traumatic and stressful time.”

Miriam O’Callaghan, Cliona’s Foundation’s first ever patron

Our Ambassadors

Roisin Wiley
Roisin WileyRose of Tralee 2023/2024
” I am passionate about taking advantage of every opportunity and hope to motivate others to be the best version of themselves . I am extremely proud to be an ambassador for Cliona’s and to support such a worthy cause in whatever way I can both in Ireland & overseas”

Roisin Wiley, representing New York was selected as Rose of Tralee at the 2023 International Festival. Living in Manhattan she is a VP of National Sales at a consumer marketing company, managing a territory of OTC and Pharmaceutical accounts. Both Roisin’s parents Eddie & Majella, were born and raised in Co. Limerick before moving to New York in their 20’s.She has a large extended family in Co. Limerick & travels back regularly to visit them and support Limerick hurling, Her trips back to Ireland have been more frequent since August 2023 with her Rose of Tralee engagements.

Suzanne Jackson
Suzanne JacksonTelevision Presenter & Business Owner
“I was honoured to be asked to be the voice for Rory the Owl audio book and to be an ambassador for Cliona’s Foundation. The foundation is a wonderful charity who provide financial support for families who are caring for a child with a life-limiting illness. As a child, I loved stories at bedtime and I have such fond, cherished memories of those special moments. To tell you the truth, I suppose I still do after a busy day or week, I listen to stories on podcasts. Rory will help many children who find it hard to get to sleep at night and this warms my heart. I’m honored to be a part of this campaign and I am looking forward to sharing with my audience so that together we can support a worthy and meaningful cause and raise much needed awareness.”
Shane Dowling
Shane Dowling Limerick and Na Piarsaigh Hurler
“What Terry and Brendan do, on their own time in memory of their daughter Cliona, to try and help other families to ensure that they won’t have the same financial burden that they endured, is just amazing and inspirational. I have spoken about it before, hurling is a sport, family is your family. It is very upsetting to see some families trying to cope with seriously sick children, and it puts everything else into perspective.”
Dr. Sinead Kane
Dr. Sinead KaneEndurance Athlete, Lawyer,Motivational Speaker
“Given the support that I have received throughout my life I think it is very important to be able to give something back to others who may need it in any way I can. The non medical expenses of caring for a sick child can bring families already struggling to their knees. I am privileged to be able to give whatever support I can to Cliona’s to help these families.”
Joy Neville
Joy Neville International Rugby Referee & Former Irish Rugby Captaiin
“Life is already difficult enough for the families of critically ill children without battling financial difficulties too. Unfortunately, many of them do. Parents who live outside Dublin and visit their sick child in a Dublin hospital can spend as much as €200 a day between travel expenses, petrol, parking and meals. That’s where Cliona’s Foundation comes in. They work to ease the burden on families who are already pushed to their limit.”
TJ Ryan
TJ Ryan Limerick Hurling
“Cliona’s Foundation started off in Limerick, but they now help families all over Ireland. They are a real success story, and I’m proud to do my part to help them.”
Davy Russell
Davy Russell Jockey
“I am delighted to be able to promote and support the work that Cliona’s Foundation does, they are an amazing organization helping out so many families who do not have anywhere else to turn for support. “


“It was very hard to hear about our child’s incurable disease. But Cliona’s gave us faith & hope

This is a huge & valuable support for our family

We can now spend more time taking care of our baby instead of worrying about money

We will always be grateful to you”
