November 20th this year is Universal Children’s Day. Cliona’s Foundation would like to take the opportunity to dedicate this entire week leading up to it to celebrating all of the children that we have been able to help, those that are still fighting their battles and the children that have sadly passed away.
One of the things that we have noticed over the years is that when people talk about sick children they only ever seem to refer to the children in regards to their illnesses and never about who the child actually is.
For the next week leading up to November 20th we are going to be sharing images of the children that we have been able to help along with little bits of information about them, their personalities and their hobbies– not their illness. We want to celebrate all of these amazing children. We would like to encourage people all over Ireland to post pictures of their children to Facebook & Twitter in celebration of how amazing they are. Please release a balloon for your children on November 20th on Universal Children’s Day and share the moment with us.
As well as celebrating the wonderful children that we have been able to help over the years we are also hoping that by doing this we can raise awareness and some much needed funds for the work that Cliona’s Foundation does all over Ireland.
Thanks to Richard and all at ilovelimerick for the above video and their continued support.